Essential Chetoric Terms

Thursday, December 1, 2011

  1. Mini-presentations (2 minutes) over debate topics and claims. Teams select debate to counter.
  2. Discuss Source 4 - 30 minutes (be sure to put the link in the google spreadsheet)
  3. Post Source 4 to your home page with a brief summary.
  4. Did you post Source 3 with a short description of what your team might use from it in your debate?
  5. Workshop: finding journals with EBSCO
  6. Check your grades. If you have completed late assignments on the blog email me.
  7. Teams work on preparing for debate - use the Debate Guidelines
  8. Did you finish Tuesday's homework?
Prepare for debate
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
  1. Turn in M/C handout homeowrk as you enter class.
  2. Complete this confidential survey
  3. Check your grades and your blog - how does it compare to mine?
  4. Go over Debate Guidelines
  5. Discussion of source 3
  6. Add source 3 to your home page and explain what your team might use from the source in your own argument & debate.
  7. Begin preparing for debate and assigning tasks to team members.
  1. They Say, I Say chapter 3 - post on "They Say, I Say" blog page.
  2. Gather sources for debate and post 1 on your home page as "Source 4" with notes about what your team might include from the source
  3. Begin writing summary or preparing annotated bibliography.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011
  1. Check your grade - what are you missing?
  2. Check Ms Woollven's blog - does your blog look like mine?
  3. Extra credit: watch Food, Inc. and on your home page post the movie pic and then explain the central argument, 3-4 assertions, and then your opinion about the topic.

  1. Complete your multiple choice questions (on the handout)
  2. Put a link for source 3 in the spreadsheet (one person per team) - I will be giving a team grade for this on Monday & each team must have 3 links to recieve credit
Friday, November 18, 2011
  1. Turn in homework (handout with essay)
  2. Print source for today's discussion.
  3. Groups: read and then discusses the article: What position does the aurthor take? What quotes or ideas can your team use for your own debate and essay? (30 min)
  4. Individuals: link the source on your home page and complete 1-3 of argument analysis (15 min)
  1. Team: one members should find the article for Tuesday's discussion. Post it on the google spreadsheet.
  2. Individual: Answer the multiple choice from sample essay #1. Use the "Essential Rhetorical Terms" page on the blog to help you. Write at least 2 questions (need to knows) that you have about the multiple choice questions. Complete this on the handout.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
  1. Team's discuss argument source #1
  2. Individuals analyze argument source #1 using the argument analysis instructions 1-3 on their home page. Don't forget to link the source as well.
  3. Go to the Team Sources Google spreadsheet and decide who will find a source for Friday. That person is responsible for finding a source to share with the group on Friday.
  4. Read the essay on the sample multiple-choice questions handout and do the following on the back, sides, or your own paper:
    • Summarize the article in 2-3 sentences
    • Find the passages central argument (claim) and then highlight and label it.
    • Find at least 2 assertions that support the central argument. Highlight and label.
    • Underline at least 10 words that you don't know. Write the definitions.
Monday, November 14, 2011

  1. Complete the assignment over terms on the annotated bibliography page

Monday, November 7, 2011 
  1. Find an argument piece and analyze it using the argument analysis guidelines page of this blog. Post a link to the piece and your analysis on your home page (not here) - if there is a picture that goes along with the piece, you may want to include that as well. See my home page for possible sources.
  2. Read They Say, I Say chapter 3, The Art of Quoting.  Find one article/source that you would like to use for your team's argument (and your individual essay) and use one of the templates to introduce a quote from the article and one template to explain a quote from the article. Post under the annotated bibliography page - TYPE THE DATE & A TITLE! To find your article you can use the ibistro knowledge portal or other newspapers or journals.
  • See ibistro instructions under the Annotated Bibliography page
Thursday, November 3, 2011
  1. Read They Say, I Say chapter 2 and complete exercise 1 OR 2 on page 38. Post here under the homework tab - TYPE THE DATE & A TITLE!
  2. Find a visual to represent pathos, ethos, and logos. You may find them online or take a picture of something you see at school or in your community. Describe in 2-3 sentences what argument is presented in the visual and whether it represents an appeal to pathos, ethos, or logos. Post the 3 visuals with your description on your home page.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
  1. Read Everything's An Argument, pages 3 - 37
  2. Create an outline based on the blue headings - What is the main idea? 1 or 2 important details?