- Mini-presentations (2 minutes) over debate topics and claims. Teams select debate to counter.
- Discuss Source 4 - 30 minutes (be sure to put the link in the google spreadsheet)
- Post Source 4 to your home page with a brief summary.
- Did you post Source 3 with a short description of what your team might use from it in your debate?
- Workshop: finding journals with EBSCO
- Check your grades. If you have completed late assignments on the blog email me.
- Teams work on preparing for debate - use the Debate Guidelines
- Did you finish Tuesday's homework?
Prepare for debate
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
- Turn in M/C handout homeowrk as you enter class.
- Complete this confidential survey
- Check your grades and your blog - how does it compare to mine?
- Go over Debate Guidelines
- Discussion of source 3
- Add source 3 to your home page and explain what your team might use from the source in your own argument & debate.
- Begin preparing for debate and assigning tasks to team members.
- They Say, I Say chapter 3 - post on "They Say, I Say" blog page.
- Gather sources for debate and post 1 on your home page as "Source 4" with notes about what your team might include from the source
- Begin writing summary or preparing annotated bibliography.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
- Check your grade - what are you missing?
- Check Ms Woollven's blog - does your blog look like mine?
- Extra credit: watch Food, Inc. and on your home page post the movie pic and then explain the central argument, 3-4 assertions, and then your opinion about the topic.
- Complete your multiple choice questions (on the handout)
- Put a link for source 3 in the spreadsheet (one person per team) - I will be giving a team grade for this on Monday & each team must have 3 links to recieve credit
- Turn in homework (handout with essay)
- Print source for today's discussion.
- Groups: read and then discusses the article: What position does the aurthor take? What quotes or ideas can your team use for your own debate and essay? (30 min)
- Individuals: link the source on your home page and complete 1-3 of argument analysis (15 min)
- Team: one members should find the article for Tuesday's discussion. Post it on the google spreadsheet.
- Individual: Answer the multiple choice from sample essay #1. Use the "Essential Rhetorical Terms" page on the blog to help you. Write at least 2 questions (need to knows) that you have about the multiple choice questions. Complete this on the handout.
- Team's discuss argument source #1
- Individuals analyze argument source #1 using the argument analysis instructions 1-3 on their home page. Don't forget to link the source as well.
- Go to the Team Sources Google spreadsheet and decide who will find a source for Friday. That person is responsible for finding a source to share with the group on Friday.
- Read the essay on the sample multiple-choice questions handout and do the following on the back, sides, or your own paper:
- Summarize the article in 2-3 sentences
- Find the passages central argument (claim) and then highlight and label it.
- Find at least 2 assertions that support the central argument. Highlight and label.
- Underline at least 10 words that you don't know. Write the definitions.
- Complete the assignment over terms on the annotated bibliography page
Monday, November 7, 2011
- Find an argument piece and analyze it using the argument analysis guidelines page of this blog. Post a link to the piece and your analysis on your home page (not here) - if there is a picture that goes along with the piece, you may want to include that as well. See my home page for possible sources.
- Read They Say, I Say chapter 3, The Art of Quoting. Find one article/source that you would like to use for your team's argument (and your individual essay) and use one of the templates to introduce a quote from the article and one template to explain a quote from the article. Post under the annotated bibliography page - TYPE THE DATE & A TITLE! To find your article you can use the ibistro knowledge portal or other newspapers or journals.
- See ibistro instructions under the Annotated Bibliography page
- Read They Say, I Say chapter 2 and complete exercise 1 OR 2 on page 38. Post here under the homework tab - TYPE THE DATE & A TITLE!
- Find a visual to represent pathos, ethos, and logos. You may find them online or take a picture of something you see at school or in your community. Describe in 2-3 sentences what argument is presented in the visual and whether it represents an appeal to pathos, ethos, or logos. Post the 3 visuals with your description on your home page.
- Read Everything's An Argument, pages 3 - 37
- Create an outline based on the blue headings - What is the main idea? 1 or 2 important details?